Máquina anxe̲ pa ir nzaki dehe
Hño nthoki nu'bya!
The Descriptions of Natural Therapy Angel of Water Machine:
Natural Therapy Angel of Water Machine, also known as colon cleansing or colonic irrigation, is often practiced as a form of alternative medicine. The claimed purpose of the procedure is to remove toxin, lose weight, prevent diseases, relieve constipation, promote general health and well-being.
It is known that such procedure commonly involved the use of “Colonet Angel of Water Machine” , which are medical devices originally intended for bowel preparation before radiological or endoscopic procedures.
Ar cliente nu'bu̲ da nthe̲hu̲ 'ra bi 'bu̲i jar nt'ots'i hidroterapia ne ar dehe filtrada mpat'i nzäm'bu̲ bí bombea a través de ar recto a través de 'nar tubo. Ya fluidos ne ya desechos ar expulsan a través de ma'na ar tubo. Nar dätä hño 'nar volumen ar líquido, asta ar 60 litros, bí introduciría ar colon jar a través de ar recto. Ar nt'ot'e ar tsa̲ da japi xingu ya bes.
The Features of Natural Therapy Angel of Water Machine:
1 ko cajón ne armario
2 operación confiable ne segura
3 ko ya completamente cerrado
4 ko ya desinfección incorporado
5 regulador ar presión ar dehe
6 líneas ar dehe ko conexiones
7 presión ne mpat'i controladas ko características nsu
8 control ar mpat'i preciso ne ya ajustable ne ya barbula njot'i
Ár ntsoni mágico ar hidroterapia intestinal:
? Mejorar ar estreñimiento, ar acné, ar distensión abdominal, ar diarrea
? Mejora ar 'ñu̲ yá ñä, ar insomnio, ar halitosis ne ár ñu̲ni corporal
? Mejorar ar ácido úrico xki mar hñets'i
? Mejorar ar obesidad abdominal física
? Mejora ja ya triglicéridos ja ya ji ne nts'oki circulación sanguínea periférica.
? Mejora ya manchas ar oscuras ne ar piel áspera
? Fortalecimiento función hepática ne renal
? Evite ar medicación inadecuada ne evite ár Ntheti médica da ciegos.
Máquina anxe̲ pa ir nzaki dehe
Máquina hidroterapia colon clísmico
How to do At-Home Colon Cleanse?
? Hingi oral, hinda enema
? Nixi ignorante ni apestoso
? 'Ñotho ar dependencia
? Hingi destruye jar flora ne ya mucosas
? Ar fila ge nxo̲ge, ar fila ar cómoda
? 'Ñotho ar efectos secundarios
? Privacidad ne honorabilidad
? Programas ar nzaki ne ar hño cumplen ko ar esquema planificación nacional "Ntxinä Saludable 2030"
Looking for a natural way to stay healthy and enhance your well-being? Consider the Angel of Water machine, a state-of-the-art system that has been used for decades to improve digestion, boost immunity, and detoxify the body.
The History of the Angel of Water Machine
The Angel of Water machine was first introduced in the 1990s as a revolutionary way to cleanse the colon. Throughout the years, it has been constantly updated to meet the highest standards of quality, efficiency, and safety, making it one of the most popular methods for colon hydrotherapy around the world.
The Working Principles of the Angel of Water Machine
The Angel of Water machine is a gravity-fed system that uses pure filtered water to gently cleanse the colon. It works by introducing water into the colon through a small rectal nozzle, and then releasing it along with waste and toxins through a closed tube, without any odors, mess, or discomfort.
The Major Selling Points of the Angel of Water Machine
1. Safe and Effective: The Angel of Water machine is a non-invasive, painless, and hygienic way to cleanse the colon, without the use of drugs, chemicals, or surgical procedures.
2. Customizable: The Angel of Water machine can be adjusted to meet the specific needs and preferences of each client, allowing for different water pressures, temperatures, and flow rates.
3. Convenient: The Angel of Water machine is designed for easy use, with automatic controls, a comfortable reclining seat, and a mobile handset for instant assistance.
The Steps of Using the Angel of Water Machine
1. Consultation: Before using the Angel of Water machine, you will have a private consultation with a certified therapist who will explain the benefits, risks, and procedures of colon hydrotherapy, and answer any questions you may have.
2. Preparation: You will be given instructions on how to prepare for the session, such as avoiding food and drink for a certain period of time, and wearing comfortable clothing.
3. Treatment: During the session, you will lie comfortably on a specially designed table, and the therapist will gently insert the rectal nozzle, and start the water flow, which will last for about 45 minutes.
4. Aftercare: After using the Angel of Water machine, you may experience some mild cramping, gas, or bloating, which will subside in a few hours. You will be advised to drink plenty of water, eat light meals, and avoid strenuous activities.
Who Needs the Angel of Water Machine?
The Angel of Water machine is recommended for anyone who wants to improve their digestion, relieve constipation, reduce bloating, and enhance their overall health and wellness. It is also useful for people who suffer from chronic conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s Disease, Ulcerative Colitis, or cancer.
The Application Industries of the Angel of Water Machine
1. Health and Wellness Centers: The Angel of Water machine is widely used in spas, clinics, and wellness centers that offer natural therapies, beauty treatments, and alternative medicine.
2. Fitness and Sports: The Angel of Water machine is popular among athletes, bodybuilders, and fitness enthusiasts who want to improve their performance, recovery, and immune function.
3. Medical and Rehabilitation: The Angel of Water machine is recognized by medical professionals as a safe, effective, and non-invasive method for colon cleansing, hydration, and detoxification, and is often recommended for post-surgery care, injury recovery, and chronic illness management.
Discover the Angel of Water machine today and experience the many benefits it can bring to your health and lifestyle. Contact us for more information, prices, and software options via email, WhatsApp, or leave a message on our website.
'Ba̲ Cliente: Sra. Lucy | Consultor de Ventas : Sr. Marcos |